

Overflow Community Groups are places of formative community where we hope that every person belongs, is known, and is encouraged by participating in the group! Jesus walked around with a small group of disciples throughout His ministry, and we have found that transformation happens best in small community groups that are committed to helping each other live devoted and winsome lives!

Finding your people at

Overflow Groups

On Thursday nights at 7:30 pm 18-25-year-olds gather in groups of 10-15 people to build a formative community by reflecting, learning, and growing together toward Jesus. First time to groups head to the Blue Tent when you get here!  

Ready for Community?

Finding your people and the right group can sometimes feel overwhelming, but our entire team is here to help! You can expect that our staff and interns will walk alongside you the entire way and help you find people that you feel comfortable with and that can become your family throughout the year! 

Frequently Asked


  • Easy! Just fill out THIS form and our team will reach out to help place you into a group that is the right fit for you!

  • No problem! We know you are busy and have a lot going on! We encourage everyone to do their best to participate in at least three community groups each month so you have consistency with your group, but there is no minimum attendance requirement! 

  • We currently don’t have any community groups that don’t meet on Thursday nights, but serving is the best place to start to find and build community! At Overflow, we call our volunteers doorholders, and you can learn more about them here