@Port City Community Church
250 Vision Dr, Wilmington, NC 28403
Tuesday Night
What to Expect
The Patio
Join us on the patio for community with new and familiar faces. Enjoy a cup of coffee or some yard games!
The gathering is a set apart time for the people of Overflow to learn about, love, and worship the name of Jesus.
The Gathering
Post gathering we encourage you to linger and press into community. Share with and ask others what the Lord has done. A great step towards this is saying hey to the people around you!
Tuesday gatherings start at 7:30 pm and typically end at 9pm!
You do not but we can’t wait to meet you in person!
No! We believe all 18-25 year olds belong at Overflow and have something to contribute to God’s church!
Come to the blue tent! You can’t miss it! Our team will be ready to help you find your way around and meet some new people!
Absolutely! You don’t have to agree before you can belong! We love you and hope that you will become a part of our family no matter where you are in your faith journey!
No! Overflow is open to any 18-25 year-old!
We believe that Overflow is the best place for any young adult who is 18-25! No matter your educational status or work status, you belong here!