Overflow is becoming a devoted and winsome generation that truly believes and shows the world that Jesus Changes Everything. We are a movement of 18-25 year olds, based out of Port City Community Church in Wilmington, NC.

Join Us Tuesday @7:30pm

Every Week @OVF

Monday @5:00pm

Overflow Campus Organization

On Monday nights, UNCW students gather on campus to serve together! The Overflow Campus Organization gathers to learn and serve the UNCW campus on Mondays at 5 pm! 

Tuesday @7:30pm

Overflow Gathering

As a family of 18-25-year-olds we gather together on Tuesday nights at 7:30 pm for worship, teaching, and community underneath the banner that Jesus Changes Everything!

Thursday @7:30pm

Community Groups

On Thursday nights at 7:30 pm 18-25-year-olds gather in groups of 10-15 people to build a formative community by reflecting, learning, and growing together toward Jesus. 

Next Steps

You Belong Here, find your

Looking for ways to grow in your faith? Check out these next steps towards engagement in the life of Overflow.

Walking with Jesus.

I’m new to my Faith.

Walking together.

I’m looking for Community.

Proclaiming to the world.

I want to be Baptized.

For the Kingdom.

I want to Serve.

  • Overflow is a family of 18-—to 25-year-olds united by the world-changing reality that Jesus Changes Everything! The Overflow movement has many parts, from weekly Tuesday Night Gatherings centered around worship and teaching to community groups and opportunities to serve our city, region, and world. Ultimately, our aim is to become a devoted and winsome generation that truly believes and shows the world that Jesus Changes Everything!

  • We gather at our home church, Port City Community Church, 250 Vision Dr, Wilmington, NC 28403. Doors open at 7 pm with coffee, resources, and opportunities to build new friendships! At 7 pm we gather for worship, teaching, and community!

  • We are called to live lives of worship, servanthood, and love for God and each other. We describe any collective meeting of Overflow as a gathering because we believe that when we come together, we are gathering our family together with the hope of pointing each other toward Jesus. Every Overflow Gathering is planned and prepared by prayer and our one desire is for Jesus' name to be lifted higher than any other name!

You Belong Here

At the center of Overflow is the truth that you belong here. We have been saying it for over a decade now because we believe it is for each generation of 18-25-year-olds calling Overflow home. You can belong here far before you agree or understand. Jesus’ invitation to His first followers was very simple: follow me. We believe that every person is made to follow Jesus, which means that we all belong together as we follow Him. We invite you to make this place your home and these people your family because we truly believe that you belong here. 

Upcoming Events.